JANUARY 13, 2024

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Ah, I don’t like drinking. However, years of working as a president of Bach Khoa Music Club. I understand it’s an important part of connecting people. It's like a catalyst for small talk and sharing thoughts. Without alcohol, the party would be boring and dead.

To climb up the career ladder, it’s much more important.

It's a working shift, not a party!

Seriously, do you guys think that at a party, we can hang out and have some kind of small talk about any topics to any person?

I once heard a story about a man who was encouraged by his boss to freely express anything he disliked about both the boss and the company, only to find himself jobless the very next day. It serves as a reminder that despite being in positions of authority, bosses are human too. Alcohol, while loosening inhibitions, can heighten emotions and cloud judgment. Getting too close to your managers without knowing the boundaries can be a death end to your career

On the flip side, some individuals skillfully engage in small talk with their bosses, seizing opportunities. Staying a little longer can provide valuable insights about the person in front of you.

So There are some rules to remember:

Do not get drunk

It’s a party, let's get drunk and live the moment!

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Yasss. This is your moment, but the moment you have to stay a ***king 100% focus and awake. DO NOT GET DRUNK! Even if your coworker and supervisor are not intoxicated, they might take advantage of every opportunity to mistreat you. Naturally, they are curious about your background and opinions about them. Be cautious

In contrast, being awake is a good thing. People like to talk with someone mindful, so pay attention to everything of your small conversation. Build a personal branding. Lemme tell you what kind of adjectives that come to me when I see you still awake during the party, where others started to cry like a child or vomit all over the place: Reliable, mature, and bold.

How to stay awake